WRITTEN:BY RAY RAY 11/23/2020After Donald Trump became the 45th President, leader of the free world he made the decision to keep the American people aware of his actions and engaged In the political process. It made sense to use Twitter as people today have the ability to process news at a faster rate. Unfornalty for Pres.Trump from day one every half-witted left-wing nutcase stalked the president's every tweet. Rows of attacks on the President his family, and anyone with a kind word about the man.
It's inconceivable that the President Of America would face a smear campaign on Twitter. But why would Jack Dorsey allow this? Had he not learned form his previous mistakes? This Is where I began to question "What's In It for Dorsey?
First I want to state that this Information has not been verified, or responded to by Jack Dorsey or De Ray former leader of BLM. Nor Is this an attempt to gender,lifestyle, or shame of sexual preference, nor Is this an attempt to defame,bully,harass or provided misinformation, this is a question based on Information on the internet and only In question of motive.
Allegedly Dorsey and De Ray are, or at some point close friends, If so that would be a conflict of Interest?